Disney's America Disney's America was a theme park that The
Walt Disney Company planned to build in Haymarket, Virginia, area in
the early 1990's.
The park would have consisted of nine distinctly themed areas as well
as thousands of hotel rooms and housing, a golf course, and retail and
commercial development.
Announced in November 1993, with a planned opening of 1998, the
park was to have been dedicated to the history of the United States
from the 1600's to the present.
The park was initially was supported by political officials and
Virginia officials.
However, it soon faced opposition from citizen's groups and historians
who objected to Disney's portrayal of historical events, as well as
impact to local Civil War and other historical sites.
Plans for the park were cancelled in 1994. Some ideas developed for
Disney's America were later incorporated into the later California
Adventure park in California.
Nametag worn by employees at Walt Disney Imagineering who
were planning the proposed Disney's America theme park.
This was the only nametag ever made for Disney's America.
Here is a map of the park, as it was
planned. You can see all the various historical areas.
Some concept art for the
planned historical areas: